How Successful Thinkers Rev Up Their Referrals With The Referral Diva – Virginia Muzquiz

In this fast-paced and informative episode, Host Corey Jahnke and guest Virginia Muzquiz discuss the importance of approaching networking from a “How can I help YOU?” approach that allows successful thinkers to approach networking with a solid plan that includes a principle-centered approach focused on value creation and win-win partnerships. Virginia’s networking plan allows her to stay solidly grounded in her personal values which are: (1) vision – starting with the end in mind, (2) getting in touch with your core desired feelings – cultivating your own feeling and not allowing others to dictate how you feel, (3) dedicating yourself to a tangible noble cause – focusing on changing the world with your business, your job, and your life; getting your needs met is a given, (4) surrounding yourself with support – teaming up to serve a noble cause results to synergy, that moment of flow when the sum is greater than anything the individual parts could create. This is a must-listen episode for anyone who wants to develop strategic partnerships that last and add massive value to everyone involved.

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