How Successful People Think Differently Than Unsuccessful People

success tips Mar 22, 2023

 My son Chris is home on spring break and he is getting ready to start an internship with the Disney College Program in Orlando, Florida.

He wants to make a good impression because he is hoping that this opportunity may turn into a permanent career so he was asking me while we were at dinner the other night some questions about what makes some people successful and others not so much

He was asking some great ones and I thought maybe the conversation might be helpful to you and/or the young people in your home:


What is the difference between how successful and unsuccessful people think?


Successful people think strategically and focus on long-term goals, while unsuccessful people are more likely to be distracted by short-term rewards and take a more reactive approach to life. Successful people focus on the big picture, manage their time effectively, stay organized, and have systems and routines in place that help them reach their goals. Unsuccessful people often lack this structure and foresight, leading to an inability to achieve the desired outcomes.


How do successful people use their thought processes to achieve goals?


Successful people use their thought processes to break down large goals into smaller, achievable tasks. They create strategies for reaching each step in the process and develop plans for how to stay on track. Successful people use their thoughts to analyze potential risks and identify successes from past experiences, allowing them to make informed decisions that result in positive outcomes. They are also able to adapt quickly based on the changing environment, adjusting their strategies as needed to reach their ultimate goal.


How can thinking like a successful person help in everyday life?


Thinking like a successful person can help one achieve meaningful goals in everyday life by allowing them to plan and prioritize their time, set realistic goals, and adjust their approach when needed. By considering potential risks carefully, staying organized, and creating manageable steps towards achieving larger goals, one can avoid the pitfalls associated with an unfocused or reactive approach. Thinking like a successful person also develops good habits that are essential for success in any area of life.


Are there any differences in how successful and unsuccessful people handle difficult situations?


Successful and unsuccessful people tend to handle difficult situations differently. Successful people face their fears and take ownership of the situation, while unsuccessful people may become overwhelmed or discouraged. Successful people are able to recognize opportunities, take action, and think creatively when tackling a challenge, while unsuccessful people may be more likely to default back to past behavior or give up prematurely. The ability to remain calm and focused during adversity is key for successful individuals in resolving any problem.


What are the key habits of thinking that help successful people reach their goals?


Successful people tend to possess key habits of thinking that help them reach their goals. They think long-term, focus on their goal with clarity and purpose, maintain a positive mindset, and have the courage to take action regardless of fear or uncertainty. They also stay organized, plan strategically and adjust their tactics when needed. Most importantly, successful people are persistent and consistent in their pursuit of success, no matter how difficult it may be. With these habits of thinking in place, success is more attainable.

Personal success relies on a lot of things, but improving the way we think increases our odds exponentially.

In his landmark book, Think And Grow Rich, author Napoleon Hill firmly states that whatever the mind of man can conceive he can achieve, but Albert Einstein said the level of thinking that brought us this far will not take us any further.

Conclusion: We have to always be asking ourselves to improve our thoughts and constantly check our egos against the truth versus what we currently THINK is the truth.